What It Is

Bucket List-noun-A syllabus of things to do before you die, or "kick the bucket". As a person that lives average life, this checklist of things to accomplish seems like an amazing idea. Seriously, who wouldn't want to add a little fun and excitement to their otherwise, tedious life. There's just one problem with it, no one knows how to push the envelope. I guess learning how to "salsa dance" or deciding visit the "Grand Canyon" would be different, but there's nothing fun about this unless you're 80 years old. This blog is changing the rules, THE BADASS BUCKET will offer 1000 different ideas that will make you shit your pants with the thought of completing.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

1.) Spend One Night in a Haunted House

Let's face it, there's nothing scarier then the unknown. I mean your at your house, by yourself, and all of a sudden you start hearing noises. That's an instant freak out. No one in their right mind wants to witness a alien or ghost when they can easily hide under their blankets and pretend to be asleep (not that I've ever done that). That is why this is a perfect way to start off the list.


1. Find a house that's legit. If your friend says a place is known to be haunted then it doesn't count. The place has to be documented. Murder, voodoo, torture...Something sketchy had to go down for it to be haunted

2. Pick your crew to do this with. Let's face it, this is an experience that no one should do on their own. There's going to be a story, and you need to have some friends there to back you up on it.

3. Head to the place at least a few hours before it gets dark. If the house is known to be haunted then it's also probably abandoned , and I've never heard of an abandoned house ever being safe. So get there, set up, and figure out some type of game plan.

4. Make sure something is being documented. Pictures and video tape is a must.

5. Most importantly bring a diaper, because you need to realize that shitting your pants is not an option, it will happen.


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